Better Benefits Communication.
Employee Benefits Communication
We can review your existing benefits and your communication tools and help you to increase employee interest and engagement. 76% of our clients think it's extremely important to effectively communicate benefits within their organisations. However, lack of time and resources are the main barriers to actually doing this effectively.
Benefits booklets, presentations and 1:1s are some of the most popular means of communicating benefits to employees. It’s really important to consider the demographic, location and mobility of your workforce and how they’ll respond to the different means of communication. We can help you identify what will work best.
We can support your business with many different options to promote your employee benefits. Employee guides, bespoke newsletters, posters and email templates. Calendars and newsletters. Total reward statements, flexible benefits and online platforms. These can be as part of a package or as standalone items.
Make your benefits stand out…
A bespoke benefits booklet is one of the most popular options with our clients for communicating what’s available to their employees. These are fully customisable and match specific brand guidelines. Booklets for different benefit tiers can be produced too.
Let’s talk rewards…
You know that benefits add a huge boost to your employees’ reward packages. Total reward statements help your eployees to know this too. An annual statement that reflects exactly what they get paid and the financial value of their benefits. It’s a game changer.
It’s good to talk…
We deliver sessions on Workplace Pensions and the importance of long-term savings to thousands of employees every year. These group discussions last between 30 and 60 minutes and cover the details of the pension scheme: the provider; contribution rates; and investments, and retirement options. We also provide 1:1s along the same lines to many of our clients’ employees.
Benefits Essentials
An annual calendar of events linked to standard employee benefits to help with engagement.
This is provided at the time of renewal.
A comprehensive round up of everything you need to know about in the world of benefits, to be able to communicate effectively to your employees.
To include - news from the main providers, trending benefits (what's in and what's out), our reflections on what you should be focusing your spend on and timely articles.
Works particularly well in conjunction with the annual benefits calendar.
A standard set of guides outlining all of the details about each of your employee benefits.
Annual set of email templates and posters for communicating benefits and offers to employees.
Our Packages
Benefits Boost
A bespoke calendar of events linked to your benefits to help with engagement.
Bespoke branded benefits booklet using specific brand guidelines. Bespoke icons and detailed information pages per benefit.
Includes one set of changes per year after sign off.
A bespoke to your business round up of everything you need to know about in the world of benefits, to be able to communicate effectively to your employee.
To include - news from your benefits providers, trending benefits (what's in and what's out), our reflections on what you should be focusing your spend on and timely articles.
Works well in conjunction with our bespoke benefits calendar.
Annual set of bespoke branded email templates, posters, qr codes etc for communicating benefits and offers to employees.
Group online webinar to discuss applicable benefits.
Benefits Best
A bespoke calendar of events linked to your benefits to help with engagement.
Bespoke branded benefits booklet using specific brand guidelines. Bespoke icons and detailed information pages per benefit.
Includes one set of changes per year after sign off.
A bespoke to your business round up of everything you need to know about in the world of benefits, to be able to communicate effectively to your employee.
To include - news from your benefits providers, trending benefits (what's in and what's out), our reflections on what you should be focusing your spend on and timely articles.
Works well in conjunction with our bespoke benefits calendar.
Annual set of bespoke branded email templates, posters, qr codes etc for communicating benefits and offers to employees.
Group online webinar to discuss applicable benefits. Quarterly.
To discuss benefits and specific concerns or queries with individual employees
30 minute 1:1 sessions
Once a year or 2 half days.
For more information about Employee Benefits and the rest of our business, please head to the frequently asked questions page on our website.
There is only one benefit that is a legal requirement, a Workplace Pension. Beyond that you have significant freedom and choice. A lot depends on the type of roles you have and people you employ, also your budget, your competitive environment and your understanding of what staff might value.
Not necessarily. You can have different benefits for different groups and job levels, but you must ensure there is no discrimination. You need to consider the different types of employee you have in your organisation, and ideal create a mix of benefits that suits as many people as possible.
It depends. Some benefits attract a Benefits in Kind liability, others do not. As a general rule, the premiums for healthcare related benefits are taxable (Private Medical Insurance, Health Cash Plans etc.), whereas the premiums for other insurances are not. Some benefits are very tax efficient, such as Workplace Pensions, the Ride to Work scheme and Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEVs) as they attract both Income Tax and National Insurance relief.