ABC International Bank (ABCIB)

Bank ABC is a leading player in the Middle East and North Africa region’s banking industry.

Bank ABC is a leading player in the Middle East and North Africa region’s banking industry, with presence in 15 countries across five continents. It provides innovative global wholesale banking solutions in both conventional and Islamic finance, across Transaction Banking, Project and Structured finance, Capital Markets, Financial Markets, Real Estate finance to corporates and financial institutions. It also provides retail banking services through its network of branches in Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, and through ila Bank, its digital mobile-only bank, in Bahrain and ila application in Jordan.

Bank ABC were in the market for a new flexible benefits platform and employee benefits advisers. They were looking for more flexibility in terms of platform design and perhaps more importantly, a more personal service when it comes to the teams they had to deal with.

“Implementing a brand-new flexible benefits platform with Ink (Ink Pad) for our permanent and fixed term employees has been a big task, and we have been impressed with the flexibility and willingness to get to know our business and benefits structure from James and Jules. The platform looks great, and the first enrolment window was a great success.

The Ink Group also took over the management of all our employee benefit renewals (at the same time as implementing Ink Pad) and their advice was invaluable.

We are looking forward to rolling out the Ink Benefits Tracker consultancy service over the next 12 months. “  

— Norma Parena, Payroll & Benefits Manager


Marks Electrical Ltd