CC Construction
London based construction company specialising in exclusive residential refurbishments.
“Ruth and her team have taken the trouble to really get to know our business. We trust them to manage our HR admin and payroll, and to ensure that we know how to apply and respond to the employment laws that affect us.”
— Chris Edwards, Company Director
CC Construction is a London based business engaging a mix of fully employed, freelance and agency staff. We have worked with CC since 2015 as their HR admin and business partners and we know the company well at both strategic and operational levels.
As the company continues to grow and take on more staff (employed and otherwise) it is increasingly important for them to distinguish between the categories of worker, not least because they require the freelancers to meet IR35 standards for tax compliance. In addition, the company is aware of the ‘employment’ risks that may arise when individuals engaged under one form of contract are determined in law to actually be engaged under another form of contract.
We have helped CC to distinguish their categories of worker by, firstly, reviewing the real and perceived rights and entitlements of each, and then drawing up clear new terms of engagement that limit the ‘mutuality of obligation’ between CC and their freelancers.
Linked to this, as CC’s payroll partner too, we are on hand to help the company in practical terms should the rules of IR35 require them at some point in time to submit PAYE tax and NI submissions on their freelancers’ earnings.